Monday, March 7, 2011

The beginning...

"Woe this crazy circumstance, I knew his life deserved a chance, but everybody told me to be smart..."

Monkey was born on 9/18/2002, 4lbs, 19 inches, 32 weeks. His first home was the N.I.C.U.  I had a nephew. No words can describe that overwhelming emotion that flushed over me. Sitting for hours, every day holding him. Watching him. The next 8 years were a tornado of events.
"But instead I chose to use my heart..."
God brings children to mom's in many different ways. I got mine at 8 years old. My Zion...
Monkey is now my son and I am his mom.

"I've never been in love like this before. Now let me pray to keep you from the perils that will surely come. See life for you my prince has just begun..."