Saturday, March 5, 2011

Young Forever

I've used Jay Z's rendition of Young Forever to begin our story. I want to be able to share our story... This is Monkey's story....

Diagonosed 3/2/11 with Microcephaly ( )

"Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while. Heaven can wait were only watching the skies. Hoping for the best but expecting the worse. Are you going to drop the bomb on us."
     Of course any one who knows me, knows Im crazy. My goal every day is to laugh and smile as much as I can. Needless to say, give me an 8 yr old and clearly, we are going to have fun. A month ago we are at the grocery and he just breaks out into song... and there, we dance in the aisle. We do not care about any one around us... never have and never will....
    Doctors, hostpitals and even dentists have this stigma. They are avoided because "I never get sick" is easier than hearing the truth.
   So now we begin hoping for the best but expecting the worse now that the bomb was dropped...